Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Last night I created a tasty Yellow Curry dish (except for I'm lazy and bought the curry sauce pre-made). Jared gave it another 10 out of of 10. I got all ingredients from Trader Joe's.

Serves about 4

Basmati Rice
1 Onion
1 box of Tofu
6 super-small potatoes (I think they're mashers - they have the thin skin on them)
1 Jar of Yellow Curry Sauce
1/2 bag frozen peas

Make Basmati Rice per instructions. Microwave potatoes (wash potatoes and poke potatoes before) for about 4.5 min. Saute onion in olive oil over medium-high heat for 5 minutes or so. Turn heat down to low. Cut potatoes into bite-size pieces and put in with onions. Pan-fry tofu in wok (or large pan) with olive oil over medium-high heat until brown on both sides. Add onion and potatoes to wok. Add Yellow curry sauce (I added some water because it was a little too strong for me). Add peas (I dethaw peas first by putting them in colander and running hot water over them). Simmer for 5 minutes or so.

Serve with Basmati Rice.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I second that NOM NOM NOM!