So the other night I dreamt that I was somewhere, and I met Anoop from American Idol. In my dream I had a huge crush on him, and I wanted to take him to this big house I was house-sitting at (I think Yanni's house) to impress him. He agreed to go with me so we got in my car (my old red Honda Prelude). While I was driving, I remembered that Jared had just given me the new Blonde Redhead album (which he really did give me in real life the night before). So I put in the CD and put it on track 1 because I remembered that was the song that Jared said was good. I also though this would impress Anoop, but the song as it turned out actually was not that good. A little bit later, Anoop tells me he needs to poop. (haha. i just realized that anoop totally rhymes with poop. funny.) So he tells me he needs to poop, and I ask if its okay if I just pull over and he can go on the side of the road or something. Then he says no, its fine, keep on going. Then I look at his face. And he's totally giving that pooping face. He was totally pooping in my car! I must have given his some weird look, because he then told me "no, it's fine" and showed me his colostomy bag. Then I woke up. haha. best dream ever!
HA! That is hilarious...
This is even funnier in writing than when you told me in person. So good.
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