Monday, September 25, 2006

I remember that Brenna asked me on Friday what I was going to wear during the marathon. I never answered her for some reason.

The answer:


Thursday, September 21, 2006


They are happy food. I ate half of one today. Only half because the other half was black and mushy. I hereby declare that Jared is no longer allowed to pick out bananas.

Seriously though, only a few minutes after I ate the banana I felt the endorphins kick in and I felt instantaneously happy. Its like when I'm running. I had spent all day stewing over the air quality and getting behind on my training schedule. I spent most of the day complaining about the falling ashes and the tightness in my lungs and my burning eyes. Brenna and I discussed at length on me wearing a bandana over my mouth while running or maybe even buying a gas mask.

Turns out all I really needed was a banana.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

good news: finished my run this morning and still made it to 9:00 church service 15 minutes early.

bad news: gatorade lid wasn't completely closed on the bottle I put in my purse. orange sticky bible pages = the worst.

Friday, September 15, 2006

i'm turning into a dragon

the weirdest thing just happened. I was at work in front of my laptop, icing my knee (different subject), when I burped. There was a little trace of what appeared to be smoke.


Then I started coughing and this huge puff of, at what first appeared to be smoke, but upon further investigation I think was powder.

yeah, freaky.

At first I thought it might be cinnamon sugar because I just had cinnamon sugar toast, but it definatey was finer than sugar and way more of it than what I put on my toast. It had to have been from the calcium supplement I had taken. Weird.

Friday, September 08, 2006

No joke.

My friend Brian Pew and his wife just had a girl. They named her Henrietta Esmé Gertrude Petunia Pew.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

To box canyon and back again.

On saturday I ran 20 miles. For part of the way I ran with a pack of coyotes.